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Archive of press pieces written by Katie Edwards

Articles published in The Guardian, The New StatesmanThe Independent, The i NewspaperThe Telegraph, The Washington Post, and Medium

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Meghan Markle Told Us We Drove Her To The Brink, We Can't Afford To Ignore Her

The i Paper, 10 January 2023

We keep tearing down women in life only to reconstruct them as popular cultural saints in death - all while learning nothing from it

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Harry’s painful row with Prince William shows how unremarkable the Royals truly are

The i Paper, 5 January 2023

Details of the explosive fallout are picking off the diamond-encrusted protective veneer of the monarchy stone by precious stone

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The Windsors? More like The Jeremy Kyle Show

The Independent, 5 January 2023

It’s the mundanity of the incident that’s so shocking – aren’t the royals, especially the heir to the throne, supposed to be beyond this?


A montage of misogyny: 2022 was a year for women to forget

The i Paper, 4 January 2023

2022 was a sh*tshow of misogyny, performed publicly so that women can be reminded of our place

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Can you believe what the woke brigade want to do with Christmas

The Independent, 25 December 2022

All these snivelling snowflakes trying to sully tradition and language with their right on identity politics. Now they're coming for Christmas. Well, not this year. Not on my watch.

Read the Article
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Is Louise Thompson's warts and all honesty about her health what we really want from celebrities?

The Independent, 15 December 2022

What happens when sharing on social media doesn't get the reaction you hope for?

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Rees-Mogg is worse than a Halloween Victorian ghoul and this is why

The Independent, 30 November 2022

The MP for North East Somerset's archaic views make him a threat to women

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Christianity in the UK is in decline but its influence is not – and that’s a real problem

The i Paper, 29 November 2022

​The 2021 census suggests that Christianity is no longer the majority religion in England and Wales

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Helena Bonham Carter has fallen into a familiar trap over Johnny Depp

The Independent, 29 November 2022

For me at least, her cultural commentary is far less sparkling than her acting career

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Finally, Elon Musk has said something we can all agree with

The Independent, 25 November 2022

This week, his email to staff containing six tips for productivity resurfaced – and it wasn’t complete trash

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No room for politics in sport? With the greatest respect, my friends – that’s absolute garbage

The Independent, 24 November 2022

If the tournament has to be in Qatar, then I’d rather see some pushback rather than meek silence in the face of the threat of a yellow card

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Rihanna’s casting of Johnny Depp in the Savage X Fenty show is a bizarre joke on us all

The Independent, 09 November 2022

What kind of statement does the casting of Depp make for a brand that’s supposed to be all about the celebration of women, inclusivity and diversity?

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Johnny Depp's Fenty revival is further proof that cancel culture benefits rich white blokes

The i Newspaper, 6 November 2022

I think it's an unusually distasteful step by Rihanna. In fact, I think it stinks

Read the Article
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Rejoice! EasyJet has solved the cost of living crisis

The Independent, 28 October 2022

For the few privileged souls who can take 28 consecutive days off work in one go, don’t have any caring responsibilities and can afford to give the best part of a grand in disposable income to the budget airline, that is

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Oh dear, Helena Bonham Carter – internalised misogyny is never a good look

The i newspaper, 28 November 2022

The actress reckons Amber Heard jumped on the ‘bandwagon’ of #MeToo


Are William and Harry the Best of Friends Again? Don’t Overthink It


The Independent, 11 September 2022


Quiet Quitting Isn’t New, Some Men Have Been Doing It For Decades

In academia, I noticed how many blokes got away with doing the career-boosting, profile raising bits of the job, while leaving the less glam, the less rewarded parts to others

The Independent, 31 August 2022


Betting on who Kim Kardashian will date next? You might be underestimating her

Serial heterosexual monogamy, with the ultimate traditional institution of marriage, is part of the Kardashians’ arsenal to ensure that their threat is minimised while they continue to take over the world

The Independent, 22 August 2022

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What's missing from Euros 2022? Intimate details of the boyfriends and partners

The i Newspaper (online), 30 July 2022

We've had WAGs, so where are the BAPs?


Changes in Vatican Not Fast Enough 

Religion Comment 

The i Paper (print), 18 July 2022


What Does Coverage of the Lionesses Lack? Classist Judgement of Their Partners

Where Are The Grainy Pap Snaps of Boyfriends Poolside in Budgie Smugglers? 

The i Newspaper (Print), 30 July 2022

Read the Article

If the Pope wants gender equality in the Vatican he’s going to have to make radical changes – and fast

Small Structural Changes May Not Be Enough 

The i Paper (online), 17 July 2022

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My experience of Rotherham shows the real problem isn’t brown men, it’s how we treat working-class girls

The New Statesman, 27 June 2022

Stop dog-whistling about Pakistani men on the pretext of caring about poor schoolgirls.

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The Bible is Being Weaponised in Abortion Struggle

The i Paper (print), 28 June 2022

It's Not Accurate To Say That God Is 'Pro-life' Or 'Anti-abortion'

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Republicans Should Be Careful: The Bible Has Precious Little To Say About Abortion

The i Paper (online), 28 June 2022

As an academic specialising i the Bible in contemporary culture, I was puzzled - and troubled - to see the biblical text employed to support anti-abortion laws and rhetoric


Roe Overturned Isn’t a Victory For Life - It Spells Death For Women

Our lives and health are collateral damage. Unnecessary maternal mortality seems to be the order of the day in the US Supreme Court 

The Independent, 24 June 2022

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How Can Heard 'Move On' When the Hatred Continues?

The i Paper, 17 June 2022 (Print)

Is the Vilification of One Woman Striking a Blow for Male Victims?

Read the Article
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Amber Heard has shown astonishing fortitude and she won’t be silenced

The i Paper, 15 June 2022

This week, NBC broadcast Heard’s first interview since the trial verdict

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The Depp v Heard Ducking Stool

i Newspaper, 3 June 2022 (Print)

Verdicts Showed in Real Time What Happens When Women Speak Out

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Johnny Depp’s victory in the Amber Heard trial is a loss for domestic violence victims everywhere

i, 2 June 2022

Who would want to report intimate partner violence knowing what we now know about the treatment of Heard before a verdict was even reached?

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Why does the internet hate Amber Heard more than Putin?

The Independent, 27 May 2022

War criminals guilty of atrocities don’t get as much vitriol as she does

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The i Newspaper, 18 May 2022

This trial illuminates our darkest attitudes towards women

Read the Article

Jordan Peterson’s tweet about ‘authoritarian tolerance’ was a huge self-own

The Independent, 17 May 2022

The notorious right-wing internet celeb and academic is now the arbiter of women’s beauty, apparently

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Depp vs Heard is holding a mirror up to society – and the reflection isn't pretty

The i Newspaper, 17 May 2022

This trial illuminates our darkest attitudes to women, particularly those who allege domestic and sexual abuse against men


Will Everyone Please Stop Talking About Peter Andre’s Penis

The Independent, 11 May 2022

Why are we still perpetuating this noxious, sexist idea that the size of a man’s penis bears any relation to their perceived masculinity?


The ‘Wagatha Christie’ Trial Has Started and It’s Already Screamingly Sexist

The Independent, 10 May 2022

The ‘WAG’ label, referring to the wives and girlfriends of famous sportsmen, erases women’s identity beyond that of their male romantic partner


What Have We Learnt From #MeToo? Depp vs Heard Holds the Answer

The Independent, 8 May 2022

#MeToo was supposed to herald a new age with increased understanding of the dynamics of abusive relationships and the maltreatment of survivors of sexual violence


No Matter Who Wins the Depp vs Heard Trial, the Biggest Losers Are Victims of Domestic Violence

The i Newspaper, 5 May 2022

Regardless of what anyone thinks about the dynamics of the relationship, the rehearsal of problematic gendered tropes in such a public arena is deeply damaging 

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Stop with the #NotAllMen and ‘a few bad apples’ excuses – women are sick of hearing them

The Independent, 29 April 2022

From porn to harassment to sexist jokes, it's clear that Westminster has a very serious problem with women

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'Mutual Abuse' is an Evasion of Responsibility

The i Newspaper, 26 April 2022

This problematic narrative can be used to airbrush domestic abuse

Read the Article
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Trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard exposes the fallacy of 'mutual abuse'

The i Newspaper, 25 April 2022

Experts of intimate partner violence argue that mutual abuse is a myth because abuse is based on an unequal power dynamic

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Why Is Johnny Depp Still the Face of Dior Sauvage?

The Independent, 25 April 2022

At a time when many celebrities scream ‘cancel culture!’ any time they’re criticised or called to account for their comments or behaviour, the team at Dior seem to recognise that controversy can drive sales


The Queen’s Barbie is Far Too Dolled Up

The i Newspaper (Print Copy), 22 April 2022

Mattel launches a Queen Elizabeth II Barbie to mark the Platinum Jubilee

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A Queen Barbie Isn't the Feminist Symbol Mattel Thinks It Is

The Independent, 21 April 2022

A Queen Barbie isn’t a symbol of feminism – it reminds girls to know their place.

Suggesting that the Queen symbolises ‘the limitless potential of every girl’ is a poor taste joke at the expense of the vast majority of girls in this country

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A Barbie Doll of the Queen Represents a New Low in the Objectification of Women

The i Newspaper, 21 April 2022

The British Monarch, who celebrates her 96th birthday today, has been refashioned so her Barbie version sports a smooth line-free face that would rival that of a Kardashian

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If you’re using the Bible to condemn being gay, you’re reading it wrong

The Independent, 21 January 2022

Our current conceptions of sexual identity are modern constructions that simply didn’t exist when the biblical texts were written

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People are ‘accent policing’ Angela Rayner – why does this only ever seem to happen to women?

The Independent, 13 January 2022

I’m from Mexborough, Doncaster — and have the accent to match. My South Yorkshire vowels were also the subject of listener complaints when I turned my hand to presenting

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Words I wish we could see the back of in 2022

The Independent, 1 January 2022

There are plenty of things we would be happy to leave in 2021 – I wouldn’t mind these words being part of that

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Let's Leave the Angry Male TV Presenters in 2021

The Independent, 27 December 2021

The prospect of more ranty blokes relentlessly machine-gunning their every opinion from the telly gives many of us the chills

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Congratulations, Boris – now back to the mounting scandals

The Independent, 9 December 2021

The birth of the children of leaders is a traditional focus of sentimentality in British culture, so it’s characteristic to see people distracted from the politics

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Rod Liddle For A Tenner? I’ve Seen Better Offers In Tesco

Medium, 7 December 2021

Discovering the notorious journalist was the surprise after dinner speaker must have been like finding a turd in a Kinder Egg

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Like Angela Merkel, I’d back mandatory Covid vaccinations

The Independent, 3 December 2021

Personal choice cannot and must not be a sleight of hand for the abdication of responsibility for the lives and wellbeing of others

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Norway's 'Gay Santa' Advert Is Achingly Beautiful and Something We Should Celebrate

The Independent, 27 November 2021

It’s not Harry kissing Santa that’s distasteful, but the echoes of the historic villainisation of gay male sexuality that reverberate through the objections to this ad

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‘Self-cancelling’ is a great way to boost your profile – just ask John Cleese

The Independent, 10 November 2021

If you try and try but still can’t get cancelled, then just cancel yourself. Your career will thank you for it

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This year is the last straw – the John Lewis Christmas adverts have to end

The Independent, 04 November 2021

I find the latest effort a disappointing affair. Uninspired schmaltz which replaces the formerly glorious Christmas creations


Aha! It’s time for Richard Madeley to be off our screens

The Independent, 25 October 2021

Madeley has become television’s equivalent to prodding a sore gum after losing a tooth: you know you shouldn’t but you just can’t leave it alone because the pain is somehow pleasurable

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I have a message for men who call women like Tilly Ramsay ‘chubby’

The Independent, 21 October 2021

If we’re really going to name it for what it is, then, here: it’s a low shot at a cheap laugh, and it’s out-and-out misogyny. How’s that for acerbic?

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It Cannot Always Be Up To Women To Protect Themselves

The i Paper, 21 October 2021

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Wearing denim will not solve the problem of injection spiking in nightclubs

Women are still being told to amend their behaviour to ‘avoid’ and ‘prevent’ assaults. It’s time for a radical cultural overhaul

The Independent, 20 October 2021

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Women’s fertility is a ‘forbidden subject’ – since when?

The Independent, 11 October 2021

The idea that a woman of any age could ‘forget’ about babies – with constant reminders about biological clocks from medical professionals and family members – would be laughable if it weren’t so infuriating

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Katie Price: For Once, Let’s Be Kind *Before* The Tragedy Happens

Medium, 5 October 2021

The alarm’s been ringing for so long that we’ve become accustomed to the sound


Why are we so suspicious of non-drinkers in Britain?

The Independent, 3 October 2021

Sober for October is a great cause, but let’s not be hypocrites – we need to stop blaming addicts for their illness and using alcohol as a marker of a good time

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No, You’re Shit: Grammar Pedantry and Knowing Your Place

Medium, 30 September 2021

Getting mixed up with ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ is tantamount to accidentally posting a positive result on a chlamydia test: socially unacceptable, humiliating and makes some people feel queasy about the prospect of a shag.

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Calling Angela Rayner ‘Lauren Cooper’ Is Yet Another Joke At the Expense of All Working-Class Women

Medium, 29 September 2021

The comparison, however, exposes far more about widespread attitudes to working-class women than it says about scum-gate...

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Why James Bond Being Called 'Basically a Rapist' Is More Important Than You Think

The Independent, 26 September 2021

We should pay close attention to the many incarnations of the British spy: the character is a mirror that reflects back our cultural mores


We need to stop describing women based on their maternal status

The Independent, 18 September 2021

Harmful terms like ‘childless’ reinforce the idea that motherhood is the norm, but also centre on a deficiency, a lack, an absence.

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Judith Butler is right – feminism is about inclusivity

The Independent, 8 September 2021

The ‘sisterhood’ seems to have become something of an exclusive members’ club, deflecting attention away from its more insidious attitudes by targeting vulnerable groups for criticism


It is meat eaters – not vegans – who are the preachy ones

The Independent, 5 September 2021

Vegans are willing to live life according to their principles while so many more of us are cowed by social mores.

"Daniel Craig ‘Bond 007’" by Stephen Alan Luff is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Daniel Craig’s ‘distaste’ for inheritance is galling for those who do have to worry about their kids’ future

The Independent, 28 August 2021

The Bond star’s views are deeply unpalatable for those who are not part of the rich elite, writes Katie Edwards

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What’s wrong with taking leave after your dog dies? I’d do the same

The Independent, 26 August 2021

While grief for pets is trivialised, the loss of an animal that has loved and comforted you through the darkest of times can be a staggering blow

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Former mining communities are worth less to Boris Johnson than a cheap laugh

The Independent, 7 August 2021

The Conservatives excel in trivialising poverty, it’s no surprise that our prime minister has made light of the cause of such widespread deprivation in the North of Britain


Putting the Accent on Prejudice

Medium, 2 August 2021

Rather than being yet another way to victimize oneself and bleat about discrimination, accentism is insidious, pernicious, and as old as the hills.

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The trolling of Katie Price shows attitudes to working class women are still stuck in the 1980s

The Independent, 25 January 2021

Price has many accomplishments to her name, but none of them prevent her from being publicly derided and debased on a regular basis


Comparing Trump to Jesus? Get real

The Independent, 19 January 2021

The Trump to Jesus hashtag is trending once again on social media. What fresh hell is this?


It’s only a matter of time before abortion rights are sacrificed in the UK

Our reproductive rights are set in sugar rather than stone: at first glance they appear solid, but really they’re very easily dissolved

The Independent, 18 August 2022

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How the Media Treatment of Katie Price Reflects Hatred of Working-class Women

Medium, 19 January 2021


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Is There Room for the Virgin Mary in a 21st Century Christmas?

The Independent, 6 December 2020

There’s something very troubling about a culture that affirms, celebrates and perpetuates the idea that virginity is a girl’s most valuable attribute and a measure of her moral character


I don’t know if Adele is guilty of cultural appropriation. But as a white woman, it's not my place to judge

The Independent, 2 September 2020

After the debate surrounding the singer's Notting Hill Carnival post, I know I need to recognise that my place – our place – is to listen

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Trump's brandishing of the Bible plays into a cultural legacy of racism and colonialism

The Independent, 20 June 2020

The weaponisation of the Christian sacred text against people of colour is so integral to our colonial history that the gasps of shock ringing out on social media seem disingenuous

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That lockdown weight gain meme isn’t the hilarious joke you first thought

The Independent, 11 May 2020

Since Augustine wrote on the story of the Garden of Eden in the 5th century, his views about women and food have stayed with us. The woman who eats the forbidden fruit brings down the whole of humanity. Now it’s the same if we eat too many Bounties.

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Gerraway with accentism – I’m proud to speak Yorkshire

The Guardian, 10 June 2019

Despite attempts to stamp it out at school and in the workplace, my dialect is alive, kicking and bloody gorgeous


Alexander Zverev is right: a Yorkshire accent is a splendid thing, no matter what the anti-Northern bigots say 

The Telegraph, 31 May 2018 

The tennis star Alexander Zverev said this week what the rest of the world has been thinking for years – the Yorkshire accent is bloody marvellous.

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Celebrity Big Brother should take responsibility for dropping the ball on domestic violence, not Roxanne Pallett

The Independent, 3 September 2018

Yes, she made, and escalated, the allegations, but producers played the crucial role of enabling that to happen, therefore facilitating Ryan Thomas’s emotional breakdown


I was taught silence was strength. Then I witnessed sexual assaults

The Guardian, 21 March 2018 

After Rotherham and Weinstein, it seems we’ve finally understood the power of speaking out. But there’s so far to go.


Last night's Love Island proves that nobody is safe from emotional manipulation

The Telegraph, 21 June 2018

Love Island continues its reign on our TV screens, delivering a ‘big loved-up summer’ one drama-filled episode at a time. And, as the show all but requires, one cast member is already nursing a broken heart: Rosie Williams, who we last night saw reeling from her treatment by resident lothario Adam Collard.

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How Beyoncé’s Virgin Mary imagery challenges racist, religious and sexual stereotypes

The Washington Post, 17 July 2017

Early Friday morning, Beyoncé set Instagram on fire when she posted a new image of her twins Sir and Rumi who were born in June. Wearing a veil, the artist chose imagery similar to that of her pregnancy announcement, which drew comparisons to depictions of the Virgin Mary.


The Bible’s women are a lot more powerful and complex than we’ve been led to believe

The Independent, 05 April 2016

The most well-known female biblical characters feel familiar to us because they’re so embedded within our culture. These women are represented in film, music videos, couture collections and featured in everything from plays to strip clubs. And yet, despite our cultural constructions and received understandings of female biblical characters, the Bible often tells us something very, very different about them.

Writing: Services


Archive of press pieces written by Katie Edwards

Articles published in The Guardian, The New StatesmanThe Independent, The i NewspaperThe Telegraph, The Washington Post, and Medium

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Helena Bonham Carter has fallen into a familiar trap over Johnny Depp

The Independent, 29 November 2022

For me at least, her cultural commentary is far less sparkling than her acting career

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Finally, Elon Musk has said something we can all agree with

The Independent, 25 November 2022

This week, his email to staff containing six tips for productivity resurfaced – and it wasn’t complete trash

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No room for politics in sport? With the greatest respect, my friends – that’s absolute garbage

The Independent, 24 November 2022

If the tournament has to be in Qatar, then I’d rather see some pushback rather than meek silence in the face of the threat of a yellow card

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Rihanna’s casting of Johnny Depp in the Savage X Fenty show is a bizarre joke on us all

The Independent, 09 November 2022

What kind of statement does the casting of Depp make for a brand that’s supposed to be all about the celebration of women, inclusivity and diversity?

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Rejoice! EasyJet has solved the cost of living crisis

The Independent, 28 October 2022

For the few privileged souls who can take 28 consecutive days off work in one go, don’t have any caring responsibilities and can afford to give the best part of a grand in disposable income to the budget airline, that is


Are William and Harry the Best of Friends Again? Don’t Overthink It


The Independent, 11 September 2022


Quiet Quitting Isn’t New, Some Men Have Been Doing It For Decades

In academia, I noticed how many blokes got away with doing the career-boosting, profile raising bits of the job, while leaving the less glam, the less rewarded parts to others

The Independent, 31 August 2022


Betting on who Kim Kardashian will date next? You might be underestimating her

Serial heterosexual monogamy, with the ultimate traditional institution of marriage, is part of the Kardashians’ arsenal to ensure that their threat is minimised while they continue to take over the world

The Independent, 22 August 2022

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What's missing from Euros 2022? Intimate details of the boyfriends and partners

The i Newspaper (online), 30 July 2022

We've had WAGs, so where are the BAPs?


Changes in Vatican Not Fast Enough 

Religion Comment 

The i Paper (print), 18 July 2022


What Does Coverage of the Lionesses Lack? Classist Judgement of Their Partners

Where Are The Grainy Pap Snaps of Boyfriends Poolside in Budgie Smugglers? 

The i Newspaper (Print), 30 July 2022

Read the Article

If the Pope wants gender equality in the Vatican he’s going to have to make radical changes – and fast

Small Structural Changes May Not Be Enough 

The i Paper (online), 17 July 2022

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My experience of Rotherham shows the real problem isn’t brown men, it’s how we treat working-class girls

The New Statesman, 27 June 2022

Stop dog-whistling about Pakistani men on the pretext of caring about poor schoolgirls.

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The Bible is Being Weaponised in Abortion Struggle

The i Paper (print), 28 June 2022

It's Not Accurate To Say That God Is 'Pro-life' Or 'Anti-abortion'

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Republicans Should Be Careful: The Bible Has Precious Little To Say About Abortion

The i Paper (online), 28 June 2022

As an academic specialising i the Bible in contemporary culture, I was puzzled - and troubled - to see the biblical text employed to support anti-abortion laws and rhetoric


Roe Overturned Isn’t a Victory For Life - It Spells Death For Women

Our lives and health are collateral damage. Unnecessary maternal mortality seems to be the order of the day in the US Supreme Court 

The Independent, 24 June 2022

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How Can Heard 'Move On' When the Hatred Continues?

The i Paper, 17 June 2022 (Print)

Is the Vilification of One Woman Striking a Blow for Male Victims?

Read the Article
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Amber Heard has shown astonishing fortitude and she won’t be silenced

The i Paper, 15 June 2022

This week, NBC broadcast Heard’s first interview since the trial verdict

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The Depp v Heard Ducking Stool

i Newspaper, 3 June 2022 (Print)

Verdicts Showed in Real Time What Happens When Women Speak Out

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Johnny Depp’s victory in the Amber Heard trial is a loss for domestic violence victims everywhere

i, 2 June 2022

Who would want to report intimate partner violence knowing what we now know about the treatment of Heard before a verdict was even reached?

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Why does the internet hate Amber Heard more than Putin?

The Independent, 27 May 2022

War criminals guilty of atrocities don’t get as much vitriol as she does

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The i Newspaper, 18 May 2022

This trial illuminates our darkest attitudes towards women

Read the Article

Jordan Peterson’s tweet about ‘authoritarian tolerance’ was a huge self-own

The Independent, 17 May 2022

The notorious right-wing internet celeb and academic is now the arbiter of women’s beauty, apparently

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Depp vs Heard is holding a mirror up to society – and the reflection isn't pretty

The i Newspaper, 17 May 2022

This trial illuminates our darkest attitudes to women, particularly those who allege domestic and sexual abuse against men


Will Everyone Please Stop Talking About Peter Andre’s Penis

The Independent, 11 May 2022

Why are we still perpetuating this noxious, sexist idea that the size of a man’s penis bears any relation to their perceived masculinity?


The ‘Wagatha Christie’ Trial Has Started and It’s Already Screamingly Sexist

The Independent, 10 May 2022

The ‘WAG’ label, referring to the wives and girlfriends of famous sportsmen, erases women’s identity beyond that of their male romantic partner


What Have We Learnt From #MeToo? Depp vs Heard Holds the Answer

The Independent, 8 May 2022

#MeToo was supposed to herald a new age with increased understanding of the dynamics of abusive relationships and the maltreatment of survivors of sexual violence


No Matter Who Wins the Depp vs Heard Trial, the Biggest Losers Are Victims of Domestic Violence

The i Newspaper, 5 May 2022

Regardless of what anyone thinks about the dynamics of the relationship, the rehearsal of problematic gendered tropes in such a public arena is deeply damaging 

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Stop with the #NotAllMen and ‘a few bad apples’ excuses – women are sick of hearing them

The Independent, 29 April 2022

From porn to harassment to sexist jokes, it's clear that Westminster has a very serious problem with women

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'Mutual Abuse' is an Evasion of Responsibility

The i Newspaper, 26 April 2022

This problematic narrative can be used to airbrush domestic abuse

Read the Article
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Trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard exposes the fallacy of 'mutual abuse'

The i Newspaper, 25 April 2022

Experts of intimate partner violence argue that mutual abuse is a myth because abuse is based on an unequal power dynamic

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Why Is Johnny Depp Still the Face of Dior Sauvage?

The Independent, 25 April 2022

At a time when many celebrities scream ‘cancel culture!’ any time they’re criticised or called to account for their comments or behaviour, the team at Dior seem to recognise that controversy can drive sales


The Queen’s Barbie is Far Too Dolled Up

The i Newspaper (Print Copy), 22 April 2022

Mattel launches a Queen Elizabeth II Barbie to mark the Platinum Jubilee

Read the Article
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A Queen Barbie Isn't the Feminist Symbol Mattel Thinks It Is

The Independent, 21 April 2022

A Queen Barbie isn’t a symbol of feminism – it reminds girls to know their place.

Suggesting that the Queen symbolises ‘the limitless potential of every girl’ is a poor taste joke at the expense of the vast majority of girls in this country

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A Barbie Doll of the Queen Represents a New Low in the Objectification of Women

The i Newspaper, 21 April 2022

The British Monarch, who celebrates her 96th birthday today, has been refashioned so her Barbie version sports a smooth line-free face that would rival that of a Kardashian

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If you’re using the Bible to condemn being gay, you’re reading it wrong

The Independent, 21 January 2022

Our current conceptions of sexual identity are modern constructions that simply didn’t exist when the biblical texts were written

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People are ‘accent policing’ Angela Rayner – why does this only ever seem to happen to women?

The Independent, 13 January 2022

I’m from Mexborough, Doncaster — and have the accent to match. My South Yorkshire vowels were also the subject of listener complaints when I turned my hand to presenting

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Words I wish we could see the back of in 2022

The Independent, 1 January 2022

There are plenty of things we would be happy to leave in 2021 – I wouldn’t mind these words being part of that

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Let's Leave the Angry Male TV Presenters in 2021

The Independent, 27 December 2021

The prospect of more ranty blokes relentlessly machine-gunning their every opinion from the telly gives many of us the chills

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Congratulations, Boris – now back to the mounting scandals

The Independent, 9 December 2021

The birth of the children of leaders is a traditional focus of sentimentality in British culture, so it’s characteristic to see people distracted from the politics

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Rod Liddle For A Tenner? I’ve Seen Better Offers In Tesco

Medium, 7 December 2021

Discovering the notorious journalist was the surprise after dinner speaker must have been like finding a turd in a Kinder Egg

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Like Angela Merkel, I’d back mandatory Covid vaccinations

The Independent, 3 December 2021

Personal choice cannot and must not be a sleight of hand for the abdication of responsibility for the lives and wellbeing of others

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Norway's 'Gay Santa' Advert Is Achingly Beautiful and Something We Should Celebrate

The Independent, 27 November 2021

It’s not Harry kissing Santa that’s distasteful, but the echoes of the historic villainisation of gay male sexuality that reverberate through the objections to this ad

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‘Self-cancelling’ is a great way to boost your profile – just ask John Cleese

The Independent, 10 November 2021

If you try and try but still can’t get cancelled, then just cancel yourself. Your career will thank you for it

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This year is the last straw – the John Lewis Christmas adverts have to end

The Independent, 04 November 2021

I find the latest effort a disappointing affair. Uninspired schmaltz which replaces the formerly glorious Christmas creations


Aha! It’s time for Richard Madeley to be off our screens

The Independent, 25 October 2021

Madeley has become television’s equivalent to prodding a sore gum after losing a tooth: you know you shouldn’t but you just can’t leave it alone because the pain is somehow pleasurable

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I have a message for men who call women like Tilly Ramsay ‘chubby’

The Independent, 21 October 2021

If we’re really going to name it for what it is, then, here: it’s a low shot at a cheap laugh, and it’s out-and-out misogyny. How’s that for acerbic?

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It Cannot Always Be Up To Women To Protect Themselves

The i Paper, 21 October 2021

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Wearing denim will not solve the problem of injection spiking in nightclubs

Women are still being told to amend their behaviour to ‘avoid’ and ‘prevent’ assaults. It’s time for a radical cultural overhaul

The Independent, 20 October 2021

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Women’s fertility is a ‘forbidden subject’ – since when?

The Independent, 11 October 2021

The idea that a woman of any age could ‘forget’ about babies – with constant reminders about biological clocks from medical professionals and family members – would be laughable if it weren’t so infuriating

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Katie Price: For Once, Let’s Be Kind *Before* The Tragedy Happens

Medium, 5 October 2021

The alarm’s been ringing for so long that we’ve become accustomed to the sound


Why are we so suspicious of non-drinkers in Britain?

The Independent, 3 October 2021

Sober for October is a great cause, but let’s not be hypocrites – we need to stop blaming addicts for their illness and using alcohol as a marker of a good time

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No, You’re Shit: Grammar Pedantry and Knowing Your Place

Medium, 30 September 2021

Getting mixed up with ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ is tantamount to accidentally posting a positive result on a chlamydia test: socially unacceptable, humiliating and makes some people feel queasy about the prospect of a shag.

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Calling Angela Rayner ‘Lauren Cooper’ Is Yet Another Joke At the Expense of All Working-Class Women

Medium, 29 September 2021

The comparison, however, exposes far more about widespread attitudes to working-class women than it says about scum-gate...

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Why James Bond Being Called 'Basically a Rapist' Is More Important Than You Think

The Independent, 26 September 2021

We should pay close attention to the many incarnations of the British spy: the character is a mirror that reflects back our cultural mores


We need to stop describing women based on their maternal status

The Independent, 18 September 2021

Harmful terms like ‘childless’ reinforce the idea that motherhood is the norm, but also centre on a deficiency, a lack, an absence.

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Judith Butler is right – feminism is about inclusivity

The Independent, 8 September 2021

The ‘sisterhood’ seems to have become something of an exclusive members’ club, deflecting attention away from its more insidious attitudes by targeting vulnerable groups for criticism


It is meat eaters – not vegans – who are the preachy ones

The Independent, 5 September 2021

Vegans are willing to live life according to their principles while so many more of us are cowed by social mores.

"Daniel Craig ‘Bond 007’" by Stephen Alan Luff is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Daniel Craig’s ‘distaste’ for inheritance is galling for those who do have to worry about their kids’ future

The Independent, 28 August 2021

The Bond star’s views are deeply unpalatable for those who are not part of the rich elite, writes Katie Edwards

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What’s wrong with taking leave after your dog dies? I’d do the same

The Independent, 26 August 2021

While grief for pets is trivialised, the loss of an animal that has loved and comforted you through the darkest of times can be a staggering blow

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Former mining communities are worth less to Boris Johnson than a cheap laugh

The Independent, 7 August 2021

The Conservatives excel in trivialising poverty, it’s no surprise that our prime minister has made light of the cause of such widespread deprivation in the North of Britain


Putting the Accent on Prejudice

Medium, 2 August 2021

Rather than being yet another way to victimize oneself and bleat about discrimination, accentism is insidious, pernicious, and as old as the hills.

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The trolling of Katie Price shows attitudes to working class women are still stuck in the 1980s

The Independent, 25 January 2021

Price has many accomplishments to her name, but none of them prevent her from being publicly derided and debased on a regular basis


Comparing Trump to Jesus? Get real

The Independent, 19 January 2021

The Trump to Jesus hashtag is trending once again on social media. What fresh hell is this?


It’s only a matter of time before abortion rights are sacrificed in the UK

Our reproductive rights are set in sugar rather than stone: at first glance they appear solid, but really they’re very easily dissolved

The Independent, 18 August 2022

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How the Media Treatment of Katie Price Reflects Hatred of Working-class Women

Medium, 19 January 2021


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Is There Room for the Virgin Mary in a 21st Century Christmas?

The Independent, 6 December 2020

There’s something very troubling about a culture that affirms, celebrates and perpetuates the idea that virginity is a girl’s most valuable attribute and a measure of her moral character


I don’t know if Adele is guilty of cultural appropriation. But as a white woman, it's not my place to judge

The Independent, 2 September 2020

After the debate surrounding the singer's Notting Hill Carnival post, I know I need to recognise that my place – our place – is to listen

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Trump's brandishing of the Bible plays into a cultural legacy of racism and colonialism

The Independent, 20 June 2020

The weaponisation of the Christian sacred text against people of colour is so integral to our colonial history that the gasps of shock ringing out on social media seem disingenuous

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That lockdown weight gain meme isn’t the hilarious joke you first thought

The Independent, 11 May 2020

Since Augustine wrote on the story of the Garden of Eden in the 5th century, his views about women and food have stayed with us. The woman who eats the forbidden fruit brings down the whole of humanity. Now it’s the same if we eat too many Bounties.

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Gerraway with accentism – I’m proud to speak Yorkshire

The Guardian, 10 June 2019

Despite attempts to stamp it out at school and in the workplace, my dialect is alive, kicking and bloody gorgeous


Alexander Zverev is right: a Yorkshire accent is a splendid thing, no matter what the anti-Northern bigots say 

The Telegraph, 31 May 2018 

The tennis star Alexander Zverev said this week what the rest of the world has been thinking for years – the Yorkshire accent is bloody marvellous.

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Celebrity Big Brother should take responsibility for dropping the ball on domestic violence, not Roxanne Pallett

The Independent, 3 September 2018

Yes, she made, and escalated, the allegations, but producers played the crucial role of enabling that to happen, therefore facilitating Ryan Thomas’s emotional breakdown


I was taught silence was strength. Then I witnessed sexual assaults

The Guardian, 21 March 2018 

After Rotherham and Weinstein, it seems we’ve finally understood the power of speaking out. But there’s so far to go.


Last night's Love Island proves that nobody is safe from emotional manipulation

The Telegraph, 21 June 2018

Love Island continues its reign on our TV screens, delivering a ‘big loved-up summer’ one drama-filled episode at a time. And, as the show all but requires, one cast member is already nursing a broken heart: Rosie Williams, who we last night saw reeling from her treatment by resident lothario Adam Collard.

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How Beyoncé’s Virgin Mary imagery challenges racist, religious and sexual stereotypes

The Washington Post, 17 July 2017

Early Friday morning, Beyoncé set Instagram on fire when she posted a new image of her twins Sir and Rumi who were born in June. Wearing a veil, the artist chose imagery similar to that of her pregnancy announcement, which drew comparisons to depictions of the Virgin Mary.


The Bible’s women are a lot more powerful and complex than we’ve been led to believe

The Independent, 05 April 2016

The most well-known female biblical characters feel familiar to us because they’re so embedded within our culture. These women are represented in film, music videos, couture collections and featured in everything from plays to strip clubs. And yet, despite our cultural constructions and received understandings of female biblical characters, the Bible often tells us something very, very different about them.

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Can you believe what the woke brigade want to do with Christmas

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